Welcome to my article. This time it's a bit different, as I'd like to create interaction between you (the reader) and me (the author). Here's how we'll do it: I'll present a real problem from a specific country based on my team's research, without mentioning any specific names and without including recommendations or solutions to the problem. I invite you to read it, and when you're done, I ask you to do the following: think about possible suggestions, and let's co-create development solutions together. Have you seen or heard of a similar problem in your own country? How was the problem addressed? What could be an effective development solution? If you don't feel like commenting, that's fine too! You can try to guess which country I'm talking about.
As the X Departmental team states in its National Fruit Plan: “The X department depends economically on mining exploitation through coal mines.” This not only negatively affects the fundamental rights of local communities, but also causes pollution and destruction of the environment in this area, thus accelerating climate change at the local, regional, and global levels. These are some of the reasons why the government of X proposes the following in its vision for change:
"Given this reality, we have devised a series of strategies to promote the diversification of our economy and thus drive sustainable development. With this goal in mind, we will leverage all the potential of X and its comparative advantages to promote various branches of the economy such as tourism, agricultural and livestock activities, energizing the energy sector, culture, and commerce."
With this in mind, it is worth noting the advantages and potential of the region:
The geographical location and edaphoclimatic offer in X present exceptional conditions for the production of fruit trees under clean and organic agriculture due to its high luminosity and low relative humidity (less than 60%).
The department has an average of 7.1 hours of sunlight per day, the highest net solar energy average in the Republic.
The department is an ancestral land where the sea, river, desert, and mountain range come together to form a territory with one of the largest natural riches in the country.
Its favorable position allows for unique landscapes and rich biodiversity, such as beaches, bays, dunes, deserts, high mountains, tropical jungles, and rivers.
It is home to different cultures such as indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants, and Arabs.
The department has a road corridor that connects to the most important flow of factors, goods, and services on the Caribbean coast.
Now, despite all the wealth and diversity offered by the X department, our team conducted a previous study and highlighted the following:
Most people in the department are in a situation of monetary and/or multidimensional poverty.
Lack of economic resources for the local population to carry out their projects.
Lack of opportunities for entertainment and relaxation for children, teenagers, and adults.
Lack of job opportunities, especially for young people and women.
Lack of local infrastructure (logistics and transportation) for the commercialization of products, mainly agriculture and handicrafts.
Lack of knowledge about the commercialization of products outside the town (at a regional, national, or international level).
One of the few fruits that is commercialized is mango. However, it is sold at a price well below the national average and its sale depends on external logistic management.
Faced with this problem, knowing the advantages, grassroots opportunities, and possibilities offered by the department and the vision that its government wants to promote, what ideas or solutions do you propose to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of this department? How can we protect the natural riches that we have at hand with development?
There is no wrong or right answer, so don't be shy, take a minute of your time and leave your comment. I'm very much looking forward to reading all your answers and amazing ideas!